I like blogging for an exercise in creative writing, expressing myself and sharing cool music with others. I'm not supposed to share .mp3's that don't belong to me, though. They are not mine to give away.
But I do it anyway. Just like the 10's of THOUSANDS of other people worldwide who write blogs. I don't fancy myself a great writer. Or even a good writer. But I try like hell. And if I'm going to write about something, I can more easily critique my words when I'm writing about something I love. Something I'm passionate about. I think it's fun and probably keeps my mental acuity sharp. But it's fun, mostly.
When I started this a few years ago, I was mostly inspired by AnAquariumDrunkard. And I promised to myself to give a good effort to support the music I was sharing. Not just, "Hey, everyone! Here's some free music! Rob from the artist who created this beautiful art; the bastards are richer than you anyway!"
No. No. No. My intention was (and is) since I'm SO excited and inspired by this music, let me channel that into a creative expression. An expression of sincere admiration of the music.
But life gets hectic. Without going into details, over time I guess I lost time and interest in my newfound 'creative outlet'.
So I log on for the first time in a VERY LONG time, and I apparently have a DMCA message. GRRR!
Not my first.
This time, for my post about the song "Tweeter and The Monkey Man". The first was for posting Duffy mp3's. Admittedly, I posted a few songs from an album not-yet-released. I can understand if they thought I might undercut sales. I'd like to think I tried to spur interest in her, though.
Anyway, Google took my "Tweeter" blog entry down and put it into my draft folder. Tweeter and The Monkey Man. Released by Traveling Wilburys in 1988. Covered by The Headstones in 1993 on their album, Picture of Health. (Amazon.com links provided!)
Not much different than this web page I just found as I'm composing this blog:
I'm pretty disappointed, but I'm pleased that my whole blog wasn't deleted. Or worse, I suppose.
That said, I may start writing again. If (When) I do, I'll be more clever when sharing. So, for those artists I offend in the future (or more likely, their record companies), know that I love your art. If I'm writing about it, then I believe to my marrow that its beauty should be beheld by everyone that shares my affinity for great music.
Thanks in advance for not suing my ass off.